Automated testing, the basics

Flatline Agency
3 min readSep 22, 2021

Manual testing is performed by a person sitting in front of a computer who carefully performs the testing steps. Automation testing means using an automation tool to implement a test case set. The automation software can also enter test data into the system under test, compare expected and actual results, and generate detailed test reports. The goal of automation is to reduce the number of test cases to be run manually and not eliminate manual testing entirely. Why automated testing?

Man behind a laptop looking at his watch

Important for sure

Automated testing is important for the following reasons: Manual testing of all workflows in all areas all negative scenarios are time and depreciation costs, It is difficult to manually test multilingual sites, Automation does not require human intervention, You can run automated tests unattended or overnight Automation increases test execution speed and test coverage Manual testing can become tedious and therefore error-prone Which test cases to automate. Test cases to be run can be selected using the following criterion, To increase Roi automation, Test cases that are executed frequently, Test cases that are too boring or difficult to perform manually Test cases that take too long, Test cases for high-risk business Critical test cases.

The following category of test cases is not suitable for automation: Test cases that are newly designed and have not been manually executed at least once. Test cases whose requirements change frequently and test cases performed on an ad hoc basis Automation process.

The following steps are followed in selecting a process automation test tool: The choice of a test tool largely depends on the technology on which the application under test is based. It is useful to do a proof of concept. Defining the scope of automation in the area of your application under test, which will be automated Planning, design, and development During this stage, you can create an automation strategy and plan.

Automated scripts

Execution of the test. Automated scripts are executed during this stage of maintenance work and new functions are added to the system under test with successive cycles.

Automation scripts need to be added, revised, and maintained for each release cycle Maintenance becomes necessary to improve the effectiveness of automation scripts. Automation tools The most popular automation tools are QTP It is the market leader in functional testing tools Rational robot It is an IBM tool used to automate regression, run, configuration, and Selenium It is an open-source web automation tool.

Choose an automation tool

How to choose an automation tool Choosing the right tool can be a difficult task, and the following criterion will help you choose the best tool for your requirements Ease of use Programming language used Support for different types of tests. Including functional, test management, mobile, etc. Supporting Multiple Test Frameworks One of the biggest challenges to tackle before starting automation is the choice of tools.

First, define requirements, explore the various tools and their capabilities, adjust expectations of the tool and go for proof of concept. Framework’s Automation Framework is a set of automated instructions which helps maintain test consistency, lowers code maintenance, and improves reuse. There are four types of frameworks used in software automation testing. Data-Driven Automation Framework Keyword Driven, Automation Framework Modular, Automation Framework and Hybrid Automation Framework, Automation Best Practices for Maximum Roi. Automation Note the following automation scope should be defined in detail before a project starts. This sets expectations from Automation Right. Selecting the right automation tool should not be the tool that is selected based on its popularity, but it is suitable for automation requirements. Choosing an appropriate framework Scripting criteria. Criteria must be followed while writing automation scripts. Measure metrics success of automation can not be determined by comparing manual effort with automation effort but also by capturing metrics like percentage of defects found, productivity improvement, etc.

In conclusion

the right choice of automation tool testing process and team are important players for automation to be successful. Manual and automatic operation methods are associated with successful tests.



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